Mr. Nimesh Jamdar, Surat. NJ Client
Mr. Nimesh Jamadar is a client of NJ – a commerce graduate, started his own business in the area of Textile & Construction and he is doing great for last 20 years. He is active investor and carries good understanding for different financial instruments. He is a client for last 8 years and got conviction for MF Product . He is investing in MF for last 8 years but for last few months he is witnessing a great difference while transacting for investments in MF. And the difference that he is experiencing today is because of the benefits that NJ E-Wealth Account offers.
Remembering the days before existence of NJ E-Wealth Account, Nimesh is sharing his views on the difference that he is experiencing using NJ E-Wealth Account. We are glad to represent Mr. Nimesh Jamadar's views on NJ e-Wealth Account through this interview.
Which are the major differences you found between traditional investments & NJ E-Wealth Account?
The major difference is that earlier we have to make signature in each and every transaction & now its very simple, done on single click only. The only hassle is while opening the NJ E-Wealth Account, but once it’s get active, we get to do all the investment transactions at one window like buying, selling & switching at single click from any part of the world and that also error less.
How often you use NJ E-Wealth Account ?
I oftenly use NJ E-Wealth Account to make all my purchase and redemption, especially for short term parking my funds in liquid funds. And also used to re-balance my MARS transactions as an when advised by my advisor through NJ E-Wealth Account by single click.
Do you transact only in mutual fund through NJ E-Wealth Account ?
Yes, Major I use NJ E-Wealth Account for MF transactions as well as it also gives me facility to do transaction in Capital Market for buying Equity shares, Bonds from secondary market, ETF's and can also apply for Equity IPOs.
What is a difference between NJ E-Wealth Account and other similar platforms available in market ?
The biggest problem in similar platform is persistency of their employees, My recent experience is with one of the India's biggest bank is that there was change in RM for two times in a single year who manages my bank transactions, its very difficult for me to adjust with every new person they appoint for me, which I never faced such problem with NJ E-Wealth since last 8 years. Also NJ E-Wealth Account gives flexibility to my advisor to manage my portfolio and keep better performing scheme in the portfolio and remove under performing schemes as an when required, whether its of same AMC or different AMC, because inter AMC switch is possible on NJ E-Wealth Account.
Is it Safe holding your wealth in demat mode ?
Yes its safe. Because am being informed before and after each transaction done in my demat a/c through SMS and email also on registered mail id only. Its extremely safe because my bank mandate is also registered with my demat a/c, so no one can do misuse of my funds or get credit of redeemed fund quickly in bank a/c. It may be transmission of my assets to my nominee will be very easy in my absence.
Would you recommend NJ E-Wealth Account to your friends ?
Yes already have given reference for NJ E-Wealth Account.
But when you do the investment online / with NJ E-Wealth Account, how do you decide the schemes which you want to invest ?
That’s very easy, because my Short Term funds invest into Liquid funds and my long-term investments, I invest through MARS only.