Advisors and their Sense of Humour

Tuesday, May 12 2020
Source/Contribution by : NJ Publications

Think objectively, keep a sense of humor, make the business fun for you and everyone else” - J. Willard Marriott

Humour, quite an undermined, but one of the most powerful elements of running a successful advisory business. The beauty is the power of humour lies in assertion than aggression, in fact it is the most powerful sword to put your point across and make things happen.

Today, many businesses have realized the potential and the value that humour can add, and have inculcated witty bits in their marketing strategies and advertisement campaigns, because the millennial generation is more casual than ever. Say for instance, the recent Swiggy Gulabjamun Ad featuring a senior citizen couple, the Swiggy delivery guy comes and the old uncle quickly sneaks in a single gulab jamun, without having the old aunty notice. If you remember the ad, then you know the kind of impact it made.

Since financial advisory thrives upon the human element between the advisor and the client, the heightened significance of humour in the relationship cannot be denied.

Having a sense of humour helps you connect with people better, a casual approach lightens the mood. Talking about products and business only makes the environment too formal, and the client may even wince away and go into a preventive mode. A humouristic line is an amazing way to break the ice, and bring the client out of his shell, and that ways you can get him talking.

Your funny vibe helps you get along with people and let people trust you. Especially in sensitive situations like falling markets and shrinking investment values, a tense atmosphere won't help, it may be hampered by the thoughts that have clouted the client's mind. So, the first thing to do is to tone down the negative aura. However, here you must note that your sense of humour is alleviating the customer's pain. The idea is to empathize with the clients, calm them down, help them overcome their fears and look for solutions. In no event should you be joking about the customer's money or losses.

Or there may be some uncomfortable topics, like life insurance and the consequences of not having one. But you know, your sense of humour can help you defeat the most difficult challenges. Remember the policybazaar term insurance ad, where a young widow goes to a crystal ball gazer to talk to her husband's spirit, and asks the dead husband about the term insurance papers. On being told that he forgot to take the insurance, the woman scolds the dead husband's spirit that how would she now take care of the house, pay for the EMI's, and kid's school fee. This Ad took a humorous path to convey a very serious message, which we need to learn and apply in our life. Striking the right chord as well as keep it light. Start with a funny line and then proceed to the seriousness of the topic.

Not just your clients, a funny and lively person is loved and respected by all, it'll help you build a pleasant rapport with your employees. Nobody would want to work for a bossy boss, a fun work culture is appreciated and increases the efficiency of people, your sense of humour can make you a leader in true sense.

Until now, we talked about the value that our sense of humour adds in our lives. Coming to the application.

> So, Firstly, you don't have to be a stand up comedian to tickle someone's nerve, rather a well placed statement, at the most appropriate time can sail you through.

> Secondly, If you can laugh at yourself, you've got it. it's called the art of self deprecating. Humour, which is not at the expense of others, but your own, depicts your confidence and humility and will increase your likeability.

> And Thirdly, your thought process matter. Thoughts sculpt the personality, so positive and pleasant thinking can also help in bringing out entertaining statements.

Having a sense of humour is a competitive advantage that you can have over your peers. However, an uncontrolled sense of humour can be costly in business. Humour can at times backfire, there is a thin line that separates humour and hurt. You don't know how your lightheartedness is being perceived. You might be offending the listener, the client may feel he is not being taken seriously, or otherwise he may not take you seriously. So, look for signals, proceed only when you sense a positive vibe, a spirit of appreciation. Build a connection with the client, look for common topics, and maintain distance from politics and religion. The crux is use humour judiciously, Humour is a gamechanger if used right.

To conclude, look for opportunities to laugh with people, and spread happiness. Life becomes easy when you use your sense of humour, lot of money and even more laughter, what else do you need in life. So, take your work seriously, and nothing else, because life is too short to be serious.

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